


Whilst our monthly meetings are based at Littleton Hall, we enjoy outdoor activities, sometimes joining up with a Quester group. One such example is to walk-around a local town or village and photograph things that catch our eye. Hampshire has some lovely locations often with hidden interest, sometimes we will venture further afield. We are in the process of investigating options for this year, having compiled a list of possible outings in our programme. What is particularly rewarding is that we all have a different eye for things, so there is great interest in seeing the variety of images that result.

Our monthly activities aim to challenge our photography across a varied range of subjects, for this spring into summer our topics include silhouette, texture, portrait, still life and many more which we subsequently review at our meetings.

A full programme can be seen on our website here https://winchesteru3apg.myportfolio.com/2023-programme.

The meeting second-half sessions are aimed at both educating and enthusing members through topics suggested and presented by members. We will be featuring talks on basic photo editing, printing, using flash, creating panoramas and more.

We currently have vacancies in the Photography Group. Interestingly, more and more of us are submitting images taken on our smartphones to great effect, so don’t feel that you have to be an ‘enthusiast’ with the latest camera gear, but if you like exploring places and ideas through images and want to know more about the subject, you are welcome to come along and see what we get up to. Our meetings are held at Littleton Hall, from 2pm to 4pm on the first Monday of every month.

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Monday afternoons
1st Monday Monthly
Venue: Littleton Hall

To email the Project Leader click on the link with his/her name. To obtain the Project Leaders telephone number access the Telephone Directory